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Back Home About us Sustainability


We provide the Nordic market with 120,000 articles, which gives us a great responsibility. We are committed to driving several sustainability issues to impact our suppliers, our own operations, and our customers. Our commitment does not end there – we are also involved in a range of projects that can contribute to making the world a little better.


Our goals 2023

Renewable energy.

  • Reduce our energy consumption
  • Reduce our heat consumption
  • Reduce our emissions from our company cars
  • Constantly renew and environmentally improve our vehicle fleet

Our goals 2023

Good working conditions and healthy economic growth.

  • All of our suppliers must sign our Code of Conduct
  • Increase the proportion of visited suppliers in risk countries
  • Increase customer satisfaction with our customers and never fall below 95% customer satisfaction

Our goals 2023

Responsible consumption.

  • Increase knowledge of different raw materials
  • All our products must have approved documentation
  • All our personnel handling dangerous goods must be trained in ADR

Our goals 2023

Climate Action.

  • Reduce unnecessary transports, they should not exceed 5%
  • Maintain a high delivery reliability of at least 98%
  • Reduce emissions from our trucks
  • Environmentally improve our truck fleet
  • We will reduce our water consumption


Did we achieve our goals in 2023?

In our Sustainability Report, we explain how we have identified which goals we should work with and report what we have worked with within each goal and how we have succeeded in achieving them.



Tingstad hållbarhetspolicy

Sustainability should be a fundamental and guiding principle for our entire business. We are the link between producer and user and surrounded by companies in both directions. Our sustainability vision is therefore to influence and drive the sustainabilit

We have chosen to divide our sustainability area into four primary areas where we want and make a difference.

Our suppliers

We see our suppliers as an extended part of ourselves. Their factories, environmental impact and the terms that their employees work under are essential parts of the products that we introduce to our customers. To be working for a factory that Tingstad does business with should therefore comply with the same terms that Tingstad’s own coworkers have, in regards to human rights and a safe working environment. To be a supplier to Tingstad also implicates to carry out the business with a high consideration to the environment and to have established routines for that. Our Code of Conduct and audits at our suppliers are important tools that we use to communicate, monitor and improve this commitment. 

Our own business

To carry out a business, of any sort, always has an impact on the environment. We have chosen establish tough goals and guidelines on how our daily business can have as low impact in the environment as possible. The transporting emissions that our business cause should be optimized and improve by every year. Our coworkers should be trained on how their working day can be carried out in a way that has as little impact on the environment as possibel, and educated to guide our customers on how they can make a more sustainble product choice.
The waste, water consumtion, electricity and emissions that our business cause should be optimized and should be continously improved by every year. 

Our assortment

Tingstads is established as a market leading supplier with a huge assortment. We consider this to include a large responsibility. We should offer our customers a wide range of products that constitutes a more sustainable choice. This containts products that:

  • Can easily be re-used or recycled
  • Are produced under responsible and sustainable terms
  • Are produced by renewable resources or claim minimum use of nature’s assets
  • Has an official eco label

In 2014 we launched a product assortment under the name A more Sustainable Choice. These products hold one or several of the above properties. Our vision is to be market leading within this area and continuosly introduce new products under this range.

The world we live in

The parts of the world or the society that we through Tingstad not directly can impact, still affect us on a human level. We have chosen to every year donate a part of Tingstad’s profit to organizations that can make the world a little better for fellow human beings around the world.

Our Projects


Plastic Bank.

In 2021, Tingstad has become a partner of Plastic Bank and in 2022, we at Tingstad will launch new pump soaps, marked with Plastic Bank. This label means that for each bottle sold, we donate a sum that guarantees that 5 plastic bottles are picked up and prevented from ending up in the sea. Our hope and wish is that this will generate a good contribution to a better world environmentally and socially.

Giving Tuesday.

Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a counter-reaction to consumption days such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, where the focus was instead on care, giving and an encouragement to do good. In 2023, Tingstad was involved and supported Giving Tuesday with the call to swisha SEK 20, corresponding to a breakfast for a homeless person. The response was good and this resulted in Tingstad and Tingstad's employees donating a total of 1007 breakfasts together. Money and breakfasts that make a big difference where it is really needed.


Tingstad supports Beepartners. Beepartner's mission is to create greener cities for the future. In the spring of 2021, 30,000 bees moved into a hive on our roof. By being a sponsor of all these bees, we benefit our local environment at the same time as we develop our environmental work and hope to spread the knowledge about the bees' role as pollinators.

How important bees and pollinating insects are to us humans has probably not escaped anyone. Bees and other pollinators play a key role in biodiversity and food production. We have already harvested our first honey, which in itself is another good and wonderful advantage of being sponsors of bees.

The Fistula Hospital Foundation.

Tingstad supports the Fistula Foundation since 2009. The Fistula Hospital is located in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, and is a hospital for women suffering from birth injuries, obstetric fistula. The fistula hospital foundation is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious foundation in large need of donations for their work.

Such a hospital is uncommon, even though many women are injured. Women as a group have a subordinate position and often suffer from malnutrition. Female genital mutilation is common and despite legislation girls often gets married and becomes pregnant very young. This leads to difficult births were the child dies and the mother suffers from genital injuries. Through operations and care the fistula hospital helps these women back to a normal life.

Doctor Catherine Hamilton, one of the founders, came to Ethiopia 1959 together with her husband Reginald to educated midwives. They were both deeply moved by the women who found their way to the hospital, but that no one could help, and decided 1974 to start their own hospital. Today they have five hospitals and one college for training.  A couple of years ago Doctor Catherine Hamlin was awarded The Right Livelihood Award as a recognition for her accomplishment.

To read more about the foundation, visit


Tingstad supports Faktum. Faktum was founded in 2001 in Gothenburg and is a newspaper sold out on the streets. Anyone who is homeless or facing social exclusion can start to sell Faktum. Vendors buy the magazine for 50 SEK, sell it for 100 SEK and keeps the difference. The work usually involves more than just making money on newspaper sales, it also means taking responsibility, planning the day, create routines and become part of a social context. Faktum is also working to create debate and public opinion on homelessness and social exclusion.

Rescue Mission.

The Rescue Mission is a non-profit organisation, which conducts social work in order to minimize isolation and vulnerability. The vision is that all people have the right to a dignified life.

Environment & Quality

We are certified to ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental, and 9001: 2015 for Quality. This is what it means for our customers:

  1. At least 98% of our deliveries will reach a customer at the promised time. We measure all deliveries, and act immediately, without delay, if something goes wrong.
  2. We only ship products from manufacturers that comply with applicable legislation, which comply with the United Nations Code of Conduct. We conduct continuous audits at factories in Asia and cater to our customers with audit reports.
  3. We document our customers’ opinions annually and promptly address any issues that may arise.
  4. We conduct quality controls on our customers' products, and ensure traceability through the entire production chain.
  5. It is our task to keep up to date with the laws and regulations that our customers' products are subject to. A customer of Tingstad should be able to be examined by authorities without any worries.
  6. We assume responsibility for continuously presenting products that belong in the sustainable society of the future.

ISO since the 90s.

We have been ISO certified since the 1990s and in 2016 we were one of the first in the industry to be certified against the new environmental standards 14001: 2015 and 9001: 2015 for quality.

Our ISO work means that all our departments work with the environment and quality, that our staff are trained and that we work to constantly improve our work.

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Our Code Of Conduct

A good deal is about more than money.

By taking responsibility and doing good business that is not only good for us and our customers - but for the entire chain - we weave together sustainability with purchasing.

A basic requirement we place on all our suppliers is to maintain a high standard of ethical, social and environmental conditions in their operations. We also carry out booked visits, unbooked visits and audits at suppliers at risk lengths.

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An lighter delivery

Corrugated pallets

We deliver on corrugated pallets. A wooden pallet weighs 10-12 kilos, while a corrugated pallet only weighs 2 kilos, something you will notice when you eventually handle the pallet. The lighter weight of the well pallet means that less fuel is used in the transport it to you as a customer, which in turn results in lower CO2 emissions. Our goal is for approximately 70% of our pallets to be corrugated pallets. The weight limit on the corrugated pallet is approximately 400 kg, which means that wooden pallets will still have to be used to a certain extent

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