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Here on this page you can learn more about our products and our assortment. Read fun facts, news from the industry and exciting information which gives you a better understanding.

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Learn more about floor care and get product tips based on the floor to be cared for and also know what you should avoid and how you can think about floor care during the different seasons. Do you know which products are suitable for different times of the year? On our page for floor care you can learn more.

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Swedes drink among the highest amount of coffee in the world. Today it exist a large variety of flavours and coffee-drinks. Get to know more about our different labels, how you maximize the taste of your coffee, which cup that is suitable to what drink and coffee trends.

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Influence the taste of the food with the color of the napkin.

It may sound strange but our senses work together and it is sometimes said that we eat with our eyes. What color you set the table with influences both the impression of the table and how your guests experience taste and fragrances.

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Start a Restaurant.

Since 1959 we have had the privilege to know both small and large companies, and seen businesses develop from idea to reality. Here we have created a page to inspire and give tips if you are planning to start your own restaurant or café.

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Hand hygiene.

It is important to have good hygiene in the workplace to prevent bacteria from spreading. Here you can read simple tips on how to get good hygiene at your workplace.

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Feel good at work.

Maybe you have a job where you sit down alot or maybe you spend your working days standing and walking. Whichever you need the right type of ergonomic work tools, hygienic conditions, carpets, clothes, shoes and surroundings to have the ability to be able to feel good at work. 

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Food storage for restaurants.

Good routines around storage and handling of food not only reduces the risk of contamination but also increases the sustainability of your food. Here you will find practical tips and procedures on how to store food in your restaurant.

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Hygiene in restaurants.

Here you will find practical tips on how you can increase the hygiene in your restaurant. 

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Allergen guidance for restaurants and cafés.

Here you will find practical tips and routines on how to manage allergies that your guests may have. Here you will find information about what obligations you have as a restaurant or a café and what you can do to manage allergies in your business.

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