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Here focus is on products and areas we think might be of interest for you. You will find information about products and campaigns.

Discover our Inspo pages

Förbud mot plastartiklar

Ban on Single-Use Plastic Items.

In 2021, a range of single-use plastic items were banned. Learn more about the ban and explore our assortment of alternative products to plastic items. 

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Bentolådor - för all världens mat!

Det sägs att alla goda ting är tre. Men med bentolådor kan de vara både fler och färre. Att använda sig av bentolådor ger möjligheten att plocka russinen ur kakan och få lite av allt som är gott - för en underbar helhet. Som en buffé i miniformat!


Bao - trendig streetfood.

Bao är en rätt som kan fyllas och varieras i det oändliga men en sak är alltid säker; Det är en rätt där många härliga konsistenser, strukturer och smaker förenas till en fulländad maträtt som får smaklökarna att jubla. Har du inte testat så se till att göra det så snart chansen finns!


Sustainable Clothing.

Sustainable clothing is not just about durable clothes that will withstand all stresses during working days, but about durability throughout the chain - from production to finished product.

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Jobba hemifrån.

2020 blev i och med corona-pandemin året då många arbetstagare gick från att arbeta på sin arbetsplats till att arbeta hemifrån. Kanske är detta en förändring som kommer att bestå, d.v.s. att det blir vanligare att arbeta hemifrån eller att kombinera hem- och kontorsjobb även efter pandemin. 


Set the table.

We offer a wide range of products for the table setting. Thanks to our wide assortment, you can create a beautiful set table regardless of the feel and style you wish to create in you dining room. Create a nice atmosphere with the right choice of glass, crockery, cutlery, table cloths, napkins and candles.

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Hälsosam konferens.

Fler och fler företag väljer bort alkohol och sötsaker och sätter hälsa och energikick i fokus när de planerar för konferensen, kick-offen eller mötet. Är detta rätt väg att gå för att få deltagarna att ta till sig konferensens innehåll och känna en större inspiration?

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Learn more about beer.

On this page you will find tips on how to maximize the experience of your beer. We give you inspirational beer trends, how to serve beer, a beer glass guide and much more. 

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Minska svinnet.

Food production requires much of the world's resources. An estimated one third of all food produced for human consumption ends up in the garbage or is lost otherwise. There is an enormous importance in reducing food waste from both an environmental and an economic point of view.


The Non-alcoholic bar.

Today, many bars and restaurants are working on offering an exciting and tasteful range of non-alcoholic alternatives, and as these become more sophisticated, customers' willingness to pay for them also increases.

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Street style.

Pòke bowls, umami burgers and other trendy take-away food are the best in packaging that gives a trendy urban feel. Brown packaging, natural materials and cool patterns are the signature of our Street Style range. Serve take away-food in a way that gives your cafe, restaurant or food truck a rustic and earthy feel like the city's breathtaking city.

Street Style

Reduce the plastics in your restaurant.

Plastic detox is a concept that has become popular recently. Here you will find tips on how you can reduce the use of platic in your restaurant. 

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The Deli Counter.

Tingstad offers a wide selection of products that keeps your deli counter up to date. In our assortment you will find display material, decorative fruits, disposable gloves, food packaging products and much more. With a clean, nice and inviting deli counter the chances are great for increases in sales.

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Carry Home.

Plastic bags have been an important part of our assortment ever since the 70’s when plastic material became popular in Sweden. Just as we saw it as exciting in the 70’s, we view it equally interesting to follow the ongoing debate about the future of the plastic bag and its new alternatives. On this page you can get an overview of what we have to offer

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Hållbar take away.

Food production requires much of the world's resources. An estimated one third of all food produced for human consumption ends up in the garbage or is lost otherwise. There is an enormous importance in reducing food waste from both an environmental and an economic point of view.


Dressed for work.

We spend alot of our time at work. What you wear during these hours can certainly affect how you feel at work and frankly how your working day works. Workwear can fill functional needs, be a important part of branding or be the protection you need in your work environment. Regardless of your needs or which business you work in we want to help you find your look at work. Welcome to be inspired!

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