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Back Home Knowledge center Learn more about Influence the taste of the food with the color of the napkin

Influence the taste of the food with the color of the napkin.

It may sound strange but our senses work together and it is sometimes said that we eat with our eyes. What color you set the table with influences both the impression of the table and how your guests experience taste and fragrances. Combining the food with the right color can affect the overall experience for your guests.


Bright yellow, yellow and orange.

Fits dishes with fish, seafood and green dishes as these colors enhance sour flavors..

Red and maroon.

Fits desserts and can enhance the sweet taste in the dish or increase the impression of red garnish.

Gray, beige, cream and white.

Complements colorful red dishes.

Black, dark brown and antracite gray.

Enhances pale dishes and make them more full-bodied..

Dark blue and pale blue.

Tempers saltyness in food and enhances yellow tones in the dish.

Green and pistachio.

Enhances yellow dishes.

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