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Here you can learn more about dishwashing. Below you will find a complete guide of the dishwashing process, dishwashing equipment, restaurant dishwashers and different factors that effect the dishwashing performance. By knowing how to properly wash, you can get better dishwashing results while reducing the consumption of chemicals, water and energy.

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Whether it is cutlery, glasses and plates that your customers use in your restuarant or if it is kitchen utensils and the equipment that you use in the kitchen, it is important that they are clean. By clean we mean clean from allergens, harmful microorganisms and from the chemicals used in restaurant kitchens daily.

On this page we have gathered information about dishwashing which can help you get a better understanding of dishwashing equipment, the dishwashing process, the factors that are needed for efficient cleaning and you also get many tips that you can take with you to your business.

By using the right technique you can save time, energy and money. Below you will find easy tips to bring to your kitchen.


  • Preliminary work: Do the proper work before you start dishwashing in order to avoid unnecessary dishwashing. Scrape of dood scraps and pre-soak the cutlery. Plates and cutlery should then be flushed in their dish racks in a water temperature of 35°C. Remember to choose the right dish rack based on the dishware intended to be washed.
  • Dish Washing: Check the dishwasher before washing. Look if the wash and rinse arms are clean and spinning, that the dish water is fresh and that the curtains are in the right place and are not broken. Also check that there is enough machine dishwasher detergent, that the cassette placed correctly in the holder and that the dosing equipment is lit.
  • The temperature of the counter should be at least 60°C.
  • Final rinse and drying: Check that there is enough drying agent left and that the nozzles that handle the final flush are not blocked. The temperature for the final rinse should be between 80°C - 90°C.



Manual Hand Washing.


  • Use clean dish equipment in good condition
  • Scrape off leftovers, napkins and the like. This is to avoid getting it down the drain.
  • Rinse the dishes with lukewarm water
  • Wash with manual dishwashing detergent until all dirt has come off
  • Rinse the dishes under running water
  • Make sure it was clean
  • Allow the dishware to air dry on a clean surface or dry with a clean kitchen towels or paper


Machine Dish Washing.

  • Scrape off leftovers, napkins and the like. This is to avoid getting it down the drain in the machine.
  • Presoak the dishes with lukewarm water.
  • Sort the dishes in the correct dish rack.
  • Check the dishwasher's settings and temperatures. Dish temperature should be at least 60°C, final rinse should be between 80°C and 90°C.
  • Filled dish racks are washed according to the dishwashers program. Cutlery is washed twice - first lying down then standing in small flatware rack.
  • Make sure it was clean.
  • Allow excess water to drain.
  • Allow the dish to dry.
  • Sort clean and dry dishes in their places. At the same time, check that the counter is clean and free from stains and sort out all cracked, worn and broken objects.

Wash clean in 6 steps

1. Check the dish equipment.

Check that the dishwasher is clean.

Put back loose parts.

Check that there are enough DISH WASHING DETEGENTS and DRYING AGENTS.

2. Water and temperature.

Fill up the water tank and check the temperatures.

Dish temperature: 60°C

Rinse temperature: 85°C

3. Sort the dishes in right dash racks.

Plates, glasses and cutlery should be sorted separately.

4. Preparation of cutlery and plates.

Scrape off leftovers and thoroughly rinse cutlery and plates.

The cutlery should be soaked and WASHED TWICE, first lying down the standing upright.

5. Pre-wash the dish.

Pre-wash the dish at a temperature of max. 35°C.

If you have too high a temperature when you pre-wash, you risk that starch burn into the dishes.

6. Clean the dishwasher.

The dishwasher must be cleaned thoroughly every night.

Do NOT use foaming agents.

If the dishes are not clean.

If something is not working correct, we are quickly there to assist you. However, there are a number of things you can check easily if you experience that your dishes is not clean enough.

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Sinner's circle.


Sinner's circle

Sinner's circle is a model that illustrates how the factors chemistry, temperature, mechanics and time affect the washing result.

To get the most effective results, a good combination of the different factors is needed. The model is based on the principle that in order for you to get an good result, the circle must be complete. If you reduce one of the different factors, you must compensate by increasing one of the other factors to maintain the washing result. For example, if you do not achieve the recommended water temperature, you will need to increase the dose of chemicals and / or extend the washing time to get an a good washing result.

Below we will go through the various factors and how they affect the washing result.



In order to get a good washing result, two types of chemical are required: Machine Dish Washing detergent and drying agent.

The task of the of the dish washing detergents is to:

  • Dissolve and saponifying fat
  • Binding lime that is in the water
  • Increase the waters capacity to remove dirt

Machine Dish Washing Detergents is available in several different forms, all of which have different properties - solid, liquid, powder or granulate. If you want to know more about our different types of machine dishwashing detergents, we recommend that you check out this page - Click here.

Drying agents comes in liquid form and adds the following to the process:

  • Remove surface tension of the water
  • Give quick runoff
  • Give spotless dishware




The washing process consists of several different stages. At the beginning of the washing process, the pre-wash, it is important that the temperature is not too high. If the temperature is too high, you risk protein and starch solidifying and getting stuck in the dishes. Therefore, pre-washing should be done in lukewarm water.

The temperature is determined by a combination of detergent and time. The temperature should be warm enough to dissolve the detergent and ensure that food and fats are washed away. Our recommendations are that the washing temperature should be above 60°C at sometime during the washing process.

The final rinse should have a temperature of between 80°C and 90°C. The temperature should be high enough to kill off bacteria and microorganisms. The high temperature also helps to speed up the drying process. We do not recommend using the temperature above 90°C, because then you risk a lot of steam formation that can result in high humidity in your kitchen.

Below you can see the temperatures we recommend: 

  • Pre-washing: Between 35-40°C.
  • Dish temperature: At least 60°C
  • Final rinse: Between 80°C and 90°C.

Below you see an illustration of the different stages in a Conveyor Dishwasher and what temperatures each zone should have according to our recommendations: 






The mechanics in the dish process is the work of the dishwasher. To provide your dishwasher with good conditions for delivering good washing results, you can do the following:


A clean dishwasher results in better washing results. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly clean the dishwasher at least once a day.

In the daily cleaning, you should review the following:

  • Wash and rinse arms
  • Rotors
  • Internal and external cleaning of the dishwasher


By stacking the dishes correctly and using the right dish and flatware racks, you can simplify the work of the dishwasher.

TIP! When washing dishes, cutting boards and other large dishes in Conveyor Dishwasher, place the dishes against you. By doing this you reduce the risk that the washing water from different washing processes to end up in the wrong water tank.




The time in the washing process is how long the washing is in progress. What determines the washing time is, as we also described above, a combination of detergent and temperatures. Dishwashers today often have dish programs where the dishwashing time is adapted to the type of dishware to be washed, cleaning chemicals and temperature.

We recommend that you follow your dishwasher instructions when washing. Choose a dishwashing program that is tailored to the dishware that you should wash for best results.

Dish and Flatware Racks


The right washing equipment makes the job in the kitchen much easier. It helps the staff in their daily work and helps them to do a better job and be more efficient. By washing dishes, cutlery and glasses in the right dish and flatware racks and using the right accessories, you can ensure fast and optimal dishing while reducing the risk of glass shattering. By washing dishes the correct wat you can also reduce energy costs and costs for chemicals, as the dishes will not need to be washed over and over again.

The right equipment contributes to:

  • Cleaner dish results
  • Less glass shattering
  • Lower energy consumption
  • Lower staff costs
  • Better working environment

The standard measure for Dish and Flatware Racks is 50x50 cm and the come in number of different models adapted for different types of purposes. Below, we will go through various Dish and Flatware Racks and toher practical accessories.

Commercial Dishwashers

There is a big difference between professional commercial dishwashers for restaurants and catering business compared to traditional household dishwashers. Washing pots, crockery and glasses in restaurants and catering business must be done quickly and efficiently because of the high serving pace. Some programs in commercial dishwashers can be as short as 30 seconds.

Ordinary household dishwashers usually do not have enough capacity and the washing cycle is too long to be effective for a restaurant operation.

In the market there are mainly four different types of ommercial dishwashers:

  • Under Counter Dishwashers
  • Rack Dishwashers
  • Conveyor Dishwashers
  • Heavy Duty Dishwashers


Under Counter Dishwashers

Under Counter Dishwashers counters are smaller dishwashers that do not take up much space. This makes them popular for smaller cafes, bars, restaurants, etc. The disadvantage of this type of machine is the smaller volume of dishes that they can handle and they are less ergonomic to work with because dish racks must be lifted in and out of the dishwasher.


Rack dishwashers

Rack dishwashers are the most common dishwasher type in restaurants and catering. The dishwasher types are usally opened by lifting the top half and then you slide in the dish rack. 

Rack dishwashers usually have two steps in the washing process: manual pre-washing and then chemical cleaning and rinsing in one. The compact size make the type adaptable to different types of kitchen enivorments.


Conveyor Dishwashers

Conveyor Dishwashers is a large types of dishwasher that comes in severel different sizes and models. This dishwasher type has a large capacity and is found in large hotel kitchens, school kitchens and larger restaurants where you serve over 400 servings a day. Conveyor dishwashers are often fully automated and the washing process runs on a conveyor belt through the different zones of the dishwasher.

The different zones in a conveyor dishwashers are: pre-rinse, pre-wash, chemical dish and final rinse.


Heavy Duty dishwashers

Heavy Duty dishwashers are often used for cleaning large restaurant equipment such as pans, pans, canteens, pots, grill grills, trays, containers, etc. Dishwashers can save time and effort in catering kitchens and restaurants as time is not needed to scrub and soak dishes.

Heavy Duty dishwashers often use a combination of water, granules and dishwashing agents which together provide a good result.

Water hardness

diskskola-vattens-hardhet-karta.jpg​Water hardness is a factor that can play a major role on the dish result. Water hardness is a measure that indicates how much minerals the water contains. The minerals that are measured are mainly calcium and magnesium ions.

Hard water has a high content of minerals while soft water has a low content of minerals. The unit of measure for water hardness is in Sweden °dH, which is called German hardness degrees (degree deutscher Härte). 1°dH means 10mg of lime per liter of water.



In Sweden we have the following division of water hardness, see map.

diskskola-mjukt-vatten.jpg  0 - 6 °dH = Soft

diskskola-Medelhart-vatten.jpg  7 - 13 °dH = Medium hard

diskskola-Hart-vatten.jpg  14 - 20 °dH = Hard



In regions with hard and medium hard water, there are a higher risk of limescale due to the higher lime content in the water. This can affect the dishwashing result and often you beed a higher dose of detergent in areas with hard to medium-hard water. To prevent limescale, we recommend using a chemical that breaks down and prevents limescale. In Tingstad's range, it is called Antikalk. If you live in a region with hard water, we recommend that you use Antikalk detergent.

In areas with soft water, you have good conditions for getting a good dishwashing result. However, water can also be too soft. In to soft water, foam is more easily formed. This can sometimes occur when the water hardness is between 0 - 4 °dH and then it may be necessary to adjust the dosage of chemicals to correct this.

If you feel insecure, you can always contact our dish technicians who can help you measure what degree of water hardness you have in your area.

Safety tips


Knowledge of the pH scale increases safety.

Knowledge of the pH scale increases safety

The pH scale is graded from 0-14, where 7 is neutral. Values ​​below 6.5 are reported as acidic and values ​​above 7.5 are reported as basic or alkaline. It is important to have about the pH scale in the washroom because acidic and basic agents can be very strong and corrosive. Therefore, you should use protective equipment such as protective gloves and apron when working with chemicals in the washroom.

According to the Work Environment Act, employers must ensure that there they are prepared for emergencies by having procedures and First Aid equipment adapted to the risks that exist in the business. This means that you should have the right protective equipment close at hand based on potential risks that may arise. Employers also have the obligation to mark out the protective equipment with clear signs and ensure that it is easily accessible to the staff.

The pH value of a products is described in the product description and / or in the product safety data sheets that you find on the product page. Be sure to follow the instructions regarding any dosage.

Danger symbols

In the washroom you come into contact with many different substances which in some cases can be dangerous if they are not handled correctly.

In order for you to be aware of the dangers that the use of various means can entail, we have collected various danger symbols below with explanations.

Our chemicals have symbols marked on the packaging.

Hygiene tips from Tingstad


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