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Back Home Knowledge center Sustainability & Materials Producer Responsibility of Business and the NPA Fee

Producer Responsibility of Business and the NPA Fee.

The NPA fee, or Producer Responsibility of Business, is a charge introduced to ensure that producers take responsibility for the environmental impact of their products throughout their lifecycle. Read on to understand how the NPA fee works and why it is important for both the environment and society.

Näringslivets Producentansvar (NPA)

What is Producer Responsibility of Business (NPA)?

NPA stands for Producer Responsibility of Business and is an approved producer responsibility organization working to drive the development towards circular and traceable material recycling. Through strategic partnerships with selected recycling service providers, the goal is to reduce littering and ensure that more packaging is recycled and turned into new packaging.

Producer responsibility has been in place in Sweden since the 1990s and covers products such as packaging, electronics, batteries, and tires. The Producer Responsibility of Business acts as a coordinating entity between various stakeholders, including producers, authorities, and recycling companies.


What is the NPA fee?

The NPA fee is a charge that producers and importers pay to finance the system that ensures they meet their obligations under producer responsibility. The fee varies depending on product category and quantity. The funds collected through the NPA fee are used to:

  • Organize recycling
  • Manage waste
  • Conduct information campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of recycling

Why is there an NPA fee?

Companies that place packaging on the Swedish market are legally considered producers and have a financial responsibility to ensure that the packaging is collected and recycled. Tingstad pays monthly packaging fees to NPA for every sold package made from materials like plastic, metal, paper, etc. The fee collected finances the recycling process, allowing the packaging to be turned into new products. This fee is passed on to our customers.

How much is the NPA fee?

The fees paid to NPA are the same for all affiliated producers, meaning Tingstad neither pays a higher nor lower fee than other wholesalers. However, the fee varies between different materials. For updated information on current NPA fees and how NPA calculates its prices, we refer to the NPA website.

How can I see my NPA fee?

On our website, the fees associated with each product are clearly listed. At checkout, the NPA fee is specified in the summary before you confirm your order. The fee is also shown on your order confirmation and invoice.

Author: Tingstad

Last Updated: 2024-10-23

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