Cleaning the deep fryer -
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Cleaning the deep fryer.

Here you will find useful tips on how to clean your deep fryer. You will also find tips on products that are good for use when cleaning and maintaing your deep fryer.

POPULAR CATEGORIES in Cleaning the deep fryer.

A deep fryer is a useful tool in professional kitchens that will help you create tasteful fried accessories and dishes for your business. Deep fryers are very common in fast food restaurants, but today they are also common in restaurant kitchens.

The main reason for regularly cleaning your deep fryer is to protect the flavours of your food. Food debris and other dirt can be left in the oil and affect the taste of the food. If you regularly clean the fryer you will also prevent bacteria from spreading in your kitchen.

As there are many different types of deep fryers and several different cleaning methods, we will on this page give you some general tips and guidelines to follow when cleaning your deep fryer.

rengöring av fritös


Follow the steps below to effectively clean your deep fryer.

1. Make sure the oil is cold

2. Fryer baskets and accessories can be washed in the dishwasher

3. Empty the deep fryer of oil

4. Wipe the remaining oil and crumbs with a lint-free cleaning cloth

5. Spray griddle cleaner on the surface

6. Distribute chemical using a sponge or brush

7. Allow the product to work for a few minutes and then brush away solid burnt dirt

8. Wipe the surface with paper and rinse with water

Note! Make sure there is no water left in the container before filling it with new oil.



Before you start cleaning your deep fryer, we recommend that you have the following products:

  • Lint-free cleaning cloth / wiping paper
  • Gridldle Cleaner
  • Sponge Scourer or cleaning brush

Forfatter: Tingstad

Senest opdateret: 2023-11-03


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