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Here you will find cleaning tips and cleaning guides that can be helpful in your business.

Cleaning tips and guides


Here you can learn more about dishwashing. Below you will find a complete guide of the dishwashing process, dishwashing equipment, restaurant dishwashers and different factors that effect the dishwashing performance. By knowing how to properly wash, you can get better dishwashing results while reducing the consumption of chemicals, water and energy.

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Møbler også tekstiler kan tiltrække støvpartikler, også kan også rammes af enkelte pletter også mærker, specielt i offentlige miljøer som venteområder ved receptioner eller i en hotellobby.  Ved at pleje dine tekstiler og møbler på den rigtige måde, kan de holdes pæne længe. 

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Washing and ironing tips.

Here you get practical tips on how to wash more sustainable, information on washing instructions and ironing tips.

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How to clean a whiteboard.

We give you tips on how to easily and quickly clean your whiteboard. We have both the tips and the products that make your whiteboard look new!

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Cleaning the deep fryer.

Here you will find useful tips on how to clean your deep fryer. You will also find tips on products that are good for use when cleaning and maintaing your deep fryer.

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rengöring av stekbord

Cleaning of griddles and grill surfaces.

We give you some tips on cleaning products, products and methods for cleaning griddles and grill surfaces.

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Rengøring af spejle.

Spejle på arbejdspladsen bliver hurtigt beskidte, men med det rette rengøringsmiddel og den korrekte metode, er det nemt at få skinnende rene resultater. Læs mere nedenfor om, hvordan man effektivt kan rengøre spejle.

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Skötselråd för bestick.

För att dina bestick ska hålla sig rena och fräscha i många år framöver så behöver de skötas om. Här får du praktiska tips på hur du förlänger livslängden på dina bestick.

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Rene og pæne arbejdsborde fri for bakterier og smuds er nødvendigt for at mad skal kunne tilberedes og anrettes på en hygiejnisk måde.  

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Skötselråd för porslin.

För att hålla ditt porslin i restaurangen i topp kan du använda våra enkla skötselråd. 

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Washing windows.

Windows are exposed to rain, snow, exhaust gases and other pollutants and can quickly get dirty. Thankfully, they are easy to get nice and clean right tools, chemicals and technique. Read our simple tips on how to get clean windows.

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How to clean your desk.

Get practical tips on how to clean your desk and work space. We have the tips and products here at Tingstad.

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Taking care of the glassware.

With the right care your glasses will stay bright and shiny longer.

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