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Tuotteet painatuksella

Tietoa evästeistä käyttää evästeitä (joskus ”keksi” ja engl. cookie) parantaakseen käyttökokemustasi ja luodakseen paremman verkkosivuston. Näillä asetuksilla hallitaan esimerkiksi kieltä, ostoskorissa saatavilla olevaa sisältöä ja tilausnumeroa kassalla. Jotta ostokokemuksesi olisi helpompaa, sinun tulee sallia nämä evästeet.

Miten Tingstad käyttää evästeitä? 

Alta voit lukea lisää käyttämistämme evästetyypeistä ja miksi käytämme evästeitä.

Välttämättömät evästeet 

Nämä sisältävät tietoja, joita me tarvitsemme, jotta sinä voit käyttää palveluitamme. Välttämättömät evästeet auttavat meitä havaitsemaan ja jäljittämään petoksia tai muita yrityksiä luvattomaan pääsyyn tietoihisi ja palveluihimme. Evästeitä käytetään myös siksi, että voimme tarjota sinulle maksuratkaisujamme ja esimerkiksi sen, että sivusto muistaa, mitä tuotteita olet lisännyt ostoskoriisi.

Toiminnalliset evästeet

Nopeampi verkkosivu.

Näitä evästeitä käytetään nopeuttamaan kotisivujen latautumista seuraavan kerran, kun vierailet meillä. Ne sisältävät myös yleistä tietoa sivustomme käytöstä. Näin voimme mukauttaa verkkosivustomme sinulle ja tehdä vierailustasi sivuillamme mahdollisimman helppoa tai että pystymme analysoimaan ostoskäyttäytymistäsi verkkosivustollamme.

Sivuston mukauttaminen

”Muista minut käyttäjänä”.

Sivuston mukauttamista käytetään muistamaan, mitä valintoja teit vieraillessasi sivustollamme aiemmin. Sinun ei esimerkiksi pitäisi joka kerta joutua valitsemaan missä maassa tai millä kielellä verkkosivusto näytetään. Mukauttamista käytetään myös "Muista" -painikkeen toimintoon, kun kirjaudut sisään. Näiden avulla sivusto muistaa myös viimeksi katsomasi tuotteet ja ostoskorisi. 


Markkinointievästeet auttavat meitä näkemään mainostemme vaikutuksen ja personoimaan niitä paremmin. Näin voimme näyttää teille käyttäjille osuvampia mainoksia ja tarjouksia. Lisätietoja henkilötietojen hallinnasta löydät kohdasta ”Usein kysytyt kysymykset”.


Kuinka hallinnoit evästeitäsi verkkosivustolla?

Käytämme evästeitä ja kolmannen osapuolen evästeitä parantaaksemme käyntikokemustasi verkkosivustollamme. Jos haluat kieltäytyä evästeistä tai poistaa ne jälkikäteen, voit muuttaa selaimesi asetuksia tietokoneellasi, tabletillasi tai älypuhelimellasi. Asetusten sijainti riippuu käyttämästäsi selaimesta. Huomaa kuitenkin, että jos päätät kieltäytyä kaikista evästeistä ja/tai kolmannen osapuolen evästeistä, jotkin verkkosivustomme ominaisuudet ja palvelut saattavat lakata toimimasta.

Poista evästeet:

Jos haluat poistaa aiemmin hyväksymäsi evästeet, se on helppo tehdä. Se, miten teet sen, riippuu käyttämästäsi selaimesta ja laitteesta. Usein poistotyökalut löytyvät tietosuoja- ja suojausasetuksista, mutta tämä voi vaihdella selaimen mukaan.
Klikkaa alla olevia linkkejä nähdäksesi ohjeet yleisimmille selaimille:

Mikäli sinulla on jotakin kysyttävää, olet aina lämpimästi tervetullut olemaan yhteydessä asiakaspalveluumme – me autamme sinua!


Strictly-necessary cookies

Cookie Summary Duration Creator
.AspNet.MicrosoftOIDC Contains a unique session ID for a visit to the website so that session data can be saved during the visit. Automatically removed when the browser closes. Session Tingstad
_tpc_persistance_cookie Contains a unique session ID for a visit to the website so that session data can be saved during the visit. Automatically removed when the browser closes. Session Tingstad
AEC Google security cookie used to confirm visitor authenticity, protect visitor data and prevent fraudulent use of credentials 132 days Google
ASP.NET_SessionId Contains a unique session ID for a visit to the website so that session data can be saved during the visit. Automatically removed when the browser closes. Session Tingstad
CONSENT This cookie is used by Google to store the user’s consent to the use of cookies. 352 days Google
LitiumShoppingCart Keeps track of items in the customer shopping cart. 7 days Tingstad
OGPC Allows us to embedd videos and other media into the site. 31 days Google
_flowbox Helps us deliver an optimal shopping experience by showing the products we think are most relevant to you. 352 days Tingstad
SOCS This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s interests and deliver more relevant ads. 347 days Google
tingstad-search-history Keeps track of previously searched for items in search bar. 30 days Tingstad
VatIncluded Keeps track of VAT-display choice. 366 days Tingstad
zarget_goal_info This contains reference to goal conversion for experiments 334 days Tingstad
zarget_user_id This contains reference to goal conversion for experiments 317 days Tingstad
zarget_visitor_info This contains reference to goal conversion for experiments 365 days Tingstad
_GRECAPTCHA This cookie is used by Google reCAPTCHA to prevent spam and abuse on websites that use Google reCAPTCHA. 1 year Google
__cf_bm This cookie is used by Cloudflare to protect 30 minutes Vimeo
BBN0182762e   Session Tingstad
BBN74fa5fb9053   Session Tingstad
cookiesAccepted   317 days Tingstad
first_session   33 days Tingstad
S   Session Google
2576bd8b-d957-432a-b52b-7882b403ab84   365 days Tingstad
2576bd8b-d957-432a-b52b-7882b403ab84   365 days Tingstad
Tingstad.CookieConsent   1 year Tingstad
Tingstad.DesignVersion   1 year Tingstad
VisitorId   1 month Tingstad
VatIncluded   1 year Tingstad
Login   1 month Tingstad
QuickLogin   1 month Tingstad
CurrentLang   1 month Tingstad
CurrentLangExp   2 months Tingstad
window-size   Session Tingstad
tingstad-search-history   1 month Tingstad


Functional cookies

Cookie Summary Duration Creator
MUID Bing sets this cookie to recognise unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. This cookie is used for advertising, site analytics, and other operations. 387 days
MUID Bing sets this cookie to recognise unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. This cookie is used for advertising, site analytics, and other operations. 387 days Bing
_uetvid This cookie is used by Tingstad to track unique sessions and their engagement with the website. 391 days Tingstad
_uetsid This cookie is used by Tingstad to track unique sessions and their engagement with the website. 2 days Tingstad
_gcl_au This cookie is used by Google AdWords to track conversions and track the user’s journey across different websites. 42 days Tingstad
_gcl_au This cookie is used by Google AdWords to track conversions and track the user’s journey across different websites. 42
_ga_X6LMX9VR0Y This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 400 days
_ga_W8RNL0HB6V Registers a unique ID with a visitor to generate data on how the visitor uses the website 401 days Tingstad
_ga_RQXSGJFQ59 This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 396 days
_ga_GJH9RGDDP5 This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 396 days
_ga_BDJCJ7JL22 Registers a unique ID with a visitor to generate data on how the visitor uses the website 352 days
_ga_B8SKQ9HHPZ This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 400 days
_ga_4BXXKZJZTZ This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 400 days
_ga This cookie is used by Tingstad to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 401 days Tingstad
_ga This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 400 days
_fw_crm_v FreshWorks: Monitors how the visitor uses the website to improve the site. 366 days Tingstad
_fbp This cookie is used by Facebook to track the user’s activity across different websites. 90 days Tingstad
_clsk Microsoft Clarity: Monitors how the visitor uses the website to improve the site. (Session Recording) 2 days Tingstad
_clck Microsoft Clarity: Monitors how the visitor uses the website to improve the site. Retains the browser's Clarity User ID and settings. 366 days Tingstad
__Secure-3PSIDTS This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s session across different Google websites. 366 days Google
__Secure-3PSIDCC This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s session across different Google websites. 366 days Google
__Secure-3PSID This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s session across different Google websites. 382 days Google
ar_debug This cookie is used by Google Ad Services to debug ads. 1 year Google
ar_debug This cookie is used by DoubleClick to debug ads. 1 year DoubleClick
MoneypennyHistory This cookie is used by Moneypenny to store the user’s chat history. 1 year Moneypenny
Moneypenny NoProactiveChat This cookie is used by Moneypenny to prevent proactive chat from being offered to the user. 1 year Moneypenny
privacy_embeds This cookie is used by GoodLaw Solicitors to store the user’s preferences for embedded content on the website. 1 year GoodLaw Solicitors
sb This cookie is used by Facebook to allow users to recover their account in the event that they forget their password, or to require additional authentication if they tell Facebook that their account has been hacked. 6 months Facebook
xs This cookie is used by Facebook to remember the user’s browser so they don’t have to keep logging in to Facebook and so they can more easily log in to Facebook via third-party apps and websites. 1 year Facebook
OptanonConsent This cookie is used by the Optanon consent management platform to store the user’s consent to the use of cookies. 1 year Optanon
cookieyes-consent This cookie is used by the CookieYes consent management platform to store the user’s consent to the use of cookies. 1 year CookieYes
SSID This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s session on the website. It is deleted when the user closes their browser. Session Google


Statistical cookies 

Cookie Summary Duration Creator
Anon This cookie is used by Bing to track the user’s anonymous activity across different websites. 365 days Microsoft
fr This cookie is used by Facebook to track the user’s activity across different websites. 3 months Facebook
datr This cookie is used by Facebook to identify unique users and track their engagement with Facebook. 2 years Facebook
c_user This cookie is used by Facebook to track the user’s activity across different websites. 3 months Facebook
MSCC Used widely my microsoft as a unique ID. The cookie enables user tracking by synchronising the ID across many Microsoft domains 148 days Bing
_uetvid This cookie is used by GoodLaw Solicitors to track unique visitors and their engagement with the website. 1 year GoodLaw Solicitors
_uetsid This cookie is used by GoodLaw Solicitors to track unique sessions and their engagement with the website. 1 year GoodLaw Solicitors
_uetsid This cookie is used by GoodLaw Solicitors to track unique sessions and their engagement with the website. 1 year GoodLaw Solicitors
_gid This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 24 hours Google
_gcl_au This cookie is used by Google AdWords to track conversions and track the user’s journey across different websites. 90 days Google
_gcl_au This cookie is used by Google AdWords to track conversions and track the user’s journey across different websites. 90 days GoodLaw Solicitors
_ga_ZH957TQKX1 This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 2 years GoodLaw Solicitors
_ga_X6LMX9VR0Y This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 2 years Google
_ga_RQXSGJFQ59 This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 2 years Google
_ga_GJH9RGDDP5 This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 2 years Google
_ga_B8SKQ9HHPZ This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 2 years Google
_ga_4BXXKZJZTZ This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 2 years Google
_ga_126VYLCXDY This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 2 years Vimeo
_ga_0V7JNYGWCC This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 2 years Google
_ga This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 2 years Google
_ga This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 2 years GoodLaw Solicitors
_ga This cookie is used by Google Analytics to track unique users and track their engagement with the website. 2 years Vimeo
_fbp This cookie is used by Facebook to track the user’s activity across different websites. 90 days GoodLaw Solicitors
__Secure-3PSID This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s session across different Google websites. 2 years Google
SIDCC This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s session across different Google websites. 2 years Google
OTZ This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s time zone. 2 years Google
NAP This cookie is used by Bing to track the user’s activity across different websites. 356 days Microsoft
MoneypennyVisit This cookie is used by Moneypenny to track the user’s visit to the website. 1 year Moneypenny
MoneypennyUserAlias This cookie is used by Moneypenny to track the user’s alias on the website. 1 year Moneypenny
MoneypennyRef This cookie is used by Moneypenny to track the user’s referrer to the website. 1 year Moneypenny
MUID This cookie is used by Bing to track the user’s unique identifier. 365 days Microsoft
IDE This cookie is used by DoubleClick to track the user’s unique identifier. 1 year Google


Marketing cookies

Cookie Summary Duration Creator
__Secure-1PAPISID This cookie is similar to __Secure-3PAPISID, but it is used for non-personalized ads. 382 days Google
__Secure-1PSID This cookie is similar to __Secure-3PSID, but it is used for non-personalized ads. 382 days Google
__Secure-1PSIDCC This cookie is similar to __Secure-3PSIDCC, but it is used for non-personalized ads. 366 days Google
__Secure-1PSIDTS This cookie is similar to __Secure-3PSIDTS, but it is used for non-personalized ads. 366 days Google
__Secure-3PAPISID This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s session across different Google websites. 382 days Google
1P_JAR This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s interests and deliver more relevant ads. It builds a profile of the user’s interests based on their browsing activity. 27 days Google
APISID This cookie is used by Google to deliver more relevant ads to users. It builds a profile of the user’s interests based on their browsing activity. 382 days Google
HSID This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s interests and deliver more relevant ads. 382 days Google
NID This cookie is used by Google to deliver more relevant ads to users. It builds a profile of the user’s interests based on their browsing activity. 184 days Google
SAPISID This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s interests and deliver more relevant ads. 382 days Google
SEARCH_SAMESITE Used to limit the number of times you see an advert. This cookie is used to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests. 180 days Google
SID This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s interests and deliver more relevant ads. 382 days Google
SIDCC This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s interests and deliver more relevant ads. 366 days Google
SSID This cookie is used by Google to track the user’s interests and deliver more relevant results. 382 days Google

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