Healthy conference -
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Healthy conference.

Time for a kick off? Below we give you tips on how to make the conference more healthy.

Smarta förslag.

More and more companies choose not to serve alcohol and sweets and instead put health and energy in focus when planning a conference, a kick off or a meating. Could this be the way to make the attendants more inspired?

To let guests choose from different packages Is common, to add a healthy-package to your offer sends a signal to your customer that you have adopted the healthy trend and that you can offer several conference packages.

Below you find suggestions of things that your conference can contain of. home made lemonade or mocktails.


There are many actors within this segment, contact someone close to your business and build a coorporation to offer mindfulness at your conference. Many mindfulness practicians combine the mindfulness practice with an inspiring lecture.

Raw balls instead of sugary buns.

Swap the danish pastries to raw balls. They are simple to make and can be stored for quite a long time. The raw trend is still strong and raw fika is often a popular and appreciated thing. Raw fika does not give you the sugar highs that sugary pastries can do.

Fresh air!

To get up and stretch the legs is crucial but often everyone end sup standing by the coffee machine. Make it possible to get outside at short breaks and encourage the participants to take a quick walk before drinking coffee. It will definitely them concentrate through a long afternoon with alot of listening and sitting down.

Gym ticket.

The conference centers with gym can reward those that go to the gym with a voucher. The voucher can then be traded for a free drink. It will guaranteed be appreciated and something the participants will talk about.

Shot - in another way.

Ask the participants to shot! Place ginger shots at each seat and ask the conference host to encourage the participants to shot. Tell the participants about the benefits of ginger and let this be the launch of the conference.

Non alcoholic.

Serve alcohol or not? This is a well considerated question. You probably want the participants to come home alert and full of energy. With that in mind, is it suitable to serve alcohol during the conference? This can be a rather delicate question and it is up to every business to choose what suits them. It is definitely a fördel to offer non alcoholic alternatives and other beverages such as home made lemonade or mocktails.

Hav det godt på jobbet.

Måske har du et meget stillesiddende job, eller måske står og går du hele arbejdsdagen? Under alle omstændigheder har du brug for den rigtige type ergonomiske arbejdsredskaber, hygiejniske forhold, tæpper, tøj, sko og omgivelser for at have mulighed for at kunne præstere og have det godt på jobbet. 

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Alt til konferencen.

Blæk og toner, kopipapir, penne, notesblokke og mapper. Sørg for at bestille kontormateriale næste gang du handler for at få hurtig og nem leverance sammen med jeres andre forbrugsmaterialer. 

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Grønt skaber en hyggelig atmosfære.

Skab en rolig og afslappet atmosfære med kunstige planter. Udover at være et grøn indslag, kan de også fungere som rumdelere. Du kan finde et bredt sortiment af planter, som er med til at give dig en dejlig grøn atmosfære, der holder i lang tid, uden nogen form for vedligeholdelse.

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