Food storage -
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All you need for a secure food storage.

How we store food and that we store it properly is crucial to maintaining its quality, taste and aroma. With us you will find the products that help you to get a good and safe storage solution. At Tingstad you will find, among other things, storage containers and boxes, disposable gloves, labels and markers.

How to store food safely

How the food is stored can affect its sustainability and it is therefore important that raw and prepared food are handled properly. Our food technician Daniel has the tips.

What temperature should the food keep?

A refrigerator should hold 2 to max 8 ° C. Below you will find some benchmarks for refrigerating different foods.

  • Prepared food, maximum 8°C
  • Meat in pieces, maximum 8°C
  • Ground meat, maximum 4°C
  • Fresh fish, iced or not more than 2°C
  • Processed fruits and vegetables, not exceeding 8°C

What kind of containers?

Food should be stored in closed containers to minimize the risk of Infectious agents being spread. Always check that the material on the container is food grade (i.e., has the glass and fork symbol) and that the container is clean.

Are there any foods that you should be extra careful about?

Ground meat should always be handled with care and kept cool to a maximum of 4°C. The same caution also applies to seafood which should preferably be iced or hold a maximum of 2°C.

How long can food be stored in the fridge?

One benchmark is that you should not store cooked food for more than 3 days in a refrigerator.

Clean hands and disposable gloves.

We have many bacteria on our hands. When handling foods, always wash your hands very carefully and preferably use disposable gloves. Remember to switch between different work steps and different foods.

SmartMate by Tingstad
Temperaturkontroll & egenkontroll

SmartMate by Tingstad®.

Smart service til dig, der håndterer mad. Lad SmartMate være din smarte ven, der holder styr på temperaturen i køleskabe og frysere, og som gør selvkontrol glat og smart - helt uden papirarbejde.

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Smartstore förvaring

Easy storage with Smartstore.

With Smartstore boxes you get a uniform, safe and flexible storage of your food. If you choose transparent boxes, you quickly get an overview of what each box contains. If you want to "hide" the content instead, choose black, white or gray boxes. Smartstore boxes are food approved and can withstand temperatures from -40 degrees to +100 degrees. The smooth clip handles ensure a tight seal.

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Smart labelling with LabelFresh.

Make it easy for you, your staff and your customers by labelling your dishes with LabelFresh labels. LabelFresh has labels that indicate the date of manufacture, time and who prepared the product. You can also mark up labels that indicate allergens to make it easier for allergy sufferers and vegetarians, for example. We also have labels that are water-soluble and dissolve upon washing.


Food contact material.

In order for a product to be approved for contact with food, the product is not allowed to transmit substances that may be a health risk or affect the taste and/or smell of the food. To show that a product is a food grade product, the "glass and fork" symbol is often used. If a product is food approved but not suitable for high temperatures or fatty foods, supplementary information should be included on the product. Look for the symbol to find food grade products.


Forfatter: Tingstad

Senest opdateret: 2023-12-22

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