Lighting & Lamps
Printers & Toners
Vårt kaffe och våra bönor från Rubinens Kafferosteri!

Discover Rubinen's Coffee Roastery.

Affordable and so delicious, with nutty and chocolaty notes. You haven't missed our tasty coffee blends and beans from Rubinens Kafferosteri, have you? The beans in our coffee blends are carefully selected and roasted with a slow roast process to bring out the best in each bean and provide a more balanced flavor. Good things come to those who wait, and you can expect a great cup of coffee.

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5,4 miljoner flaskor förhindrade!

5,4 million bottles prevented!

Since 2021, Tingstad has been a proud partner of Plastic Bank. In 2022, we launched new pump soaps and cleaning sprays, labeled with Plastic Bank's symbol. For every bottle sold, in partnership with Plastic Bank, 5 plastic bottles are prevented from ending up in the ocean. From the start of sales until now, we have prevented 5.4 million bottles from ending up in the ocean.

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Se vårt utbud av uteservering!

Long Live the Outdoor Seating Area.

A good summer fills the outdoor seating area with the buzz of summer-celebrating guests. Make sure you have everything you need for your restaurant for a long season outdoors. In our selection, you'll find both parasols for the sunniest days and patio heaters for days and evenings with cooler temperatures.

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